Blogs are supposed to be a place to vent right? So I guess I'm going to vent. I am INCREDIBLY mad at my brother right now. If you read my sister-in-law Erynn's blog, it talks about how she had to go into the hospital for some serious stuff (she explains it better than I ever could). So, the kicker here is that I didn't know ANY of it until now, when she posted it on her blog. Her family knew, which makes sense because they are her family, but considering that she is married to my brother, I am also family, and my brother knows how much I care about her, and he didn't even bother to tell me. That hurts me so incredibly much. I seriously want to cry just knowing that he wouldn't tell me something important like that. I'm glad that she's okay though. If I find out that my parents knew about it and didn't bother to tell me, I will be even madder. At that point, I will no longer be mad at my brother because I know he'd figure they'd tell me (although he could have still told me himself, I understand that he knows the way our family usually works). I feel a little bad about now I responded on her blog though cause it seemed very mundane and heartless, where everyone elses was so caring and loving. I just told her I loved her and hope she's okay. I think it was hard for me to say anything more than that because of how upset I am. Oh well, i've vented. thanks blog, for being there for me. :D
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