First Day of Training
So, yes, the rumors are true. I am officially a server at Boston's. I'm still looking in on those other jobs I posted about, but until I get one of those, IF i get one of those, then I will be content serving. Summer is going to be pretty busy, so I will hopefully make lots of money. :D I want to work lots of hours and save up money so I can move. :D Lets see So saturday night I watched King Kong. It was okay, but pretty drawn out. Not a more than once movie. I didn't get home until late because of the movie, so I didn't get alot of sleep, especially with changing over the clocks. LAME!
Sunday: My last day as a Hostess. I got to train the new girl. She is totally cute. She is the owners neice. I told Aaron she is his future girlfriend because she snowmachines and fourwheels and she likes polaris and chevy, etc. I worked until 6. I got off work and went to pick up Aaron. We went to dinner to celebrate my last day as a hostess. We came back to my house to hang out some. It was a pretty chill day. I got to bed EARLY cause I was so tired.
Monday: So, I got up late cause I am SO not used to getting up any earlier than noon. I was to work on time, but Aaron had to take my car. I had fun. It was pretty slow, but it was easy training. I know I HAVE to do the training, but most of it is stuff I already know. I basically know how to take tables, etc. The things I did learn were either things I could learn as I go, or the sidework. That was good to have explained. After work, Aaron and I went to shopping for sunglasses for him. We went to the new "Donkey's Gear" place. I got $20 sunglasses, but after I left, I relaized I didn't really like them, and Aaron said they were messed up. We went to WalMart and I got $5 sunglasses, and he got a $10 hat and $10 sunglasses. Go WalMart! We returned the other sunglasses, luckily, they accepted it. :D I got a few togo tips today, plus the rest of my Hostess Tipouts.
Dreams: So, I had some really weird dreams last night. One was where a girl I know who is a GOOD girl, doesn't drink or anything, I was living with her and this guy I know from work named Nick. I know he usually drinks, but in my dream he hadn't been drinking for a while. This girl came home Drunk and passed out, and nick helped her out of her jacket and backpack and stuff. Then, when she woke up, it wasn't her anymore, it was Aaron. He didn't remember Nick (in my dream, it seemed he should have known him) and then looked at me, and didn't remember me. I woke up really upset. I made him promise today never to forget me (even if he was lying, just to ease my fears I guess).
The second one, I was at work and I broke the printer for the register (like that prints out the bills and stuff). Betsy got mad at fired me, and Nick (also in this dream... WEIRD!) got mad at her and stormed out because she didn't do anything when he broke it, but she fired me for it. I got into a car that I thought was Aaron driving (driving my car maybe) but then later it turned into my ex-boyfriend Chris, and he was driving REALLY crazy, like almost running into stuff. He had all these creepy people in the car who neither of us knew.
The third one, I was at Boston's, after they fired me for breaking the printer (it was a different dream, I woke up and fell asleep). They kept asking me to help them, like to take a table, or to hostess a little. I told them that I wouldn't help them because they fired me, although I told nick I'd help him roll silverware, just for sticking up for me the other day when they fired me. This one had a few people from my work, and they were all really mad that I got fired.
So, I tried to call TDL, but they said to call back Tuesday Morning. I have to get up early enough to do that tomorrow morning. Alaska USA called, but they said they were still doing interviews. I've tried to call back a few times, but she is busy. I'm hoping she calls me before 8, when they close. She didn't say they weren't hiring me, but she didn't say they were either. I guess, tomorrow I'll know more. If I have to, i'll keep serving, making tips, and save money. There is a Boston's in Anchorage, so I MAY be able to transfer there at the end of the summer, and work there until I find a permenant job there. If I do move to anchorage, which I hope I will be, then I will want to find a job I can work at for a while, like at least the 2 years Aaron is in school, and probably a couple years after that.
He was being very sweet today, looking at my ring alot and holding my hand when we'd walk around and stuff. I LOVE it when he has those days where he just can't seem to get enough of being in love with me. Its a wonderful feeling, being loved, and loving someone. :D Anyways, any more about it and he will be all upset I told everyone how lovey dovey he was. LOL! :D
Sunday: My last day as a Hostess. I got to train the new girl. She is totally cute. She is the owners neice. I told Aaron she is his future girlfriend because she snowmachines and fourwheels and she likes polaris and chevy, etc. I worked until 6. I got off work and went to pick up Aaron. We went to dinner to celebrate my last day as a hostess. We came back to my house to hang out some. It was a pretty chill day. I got to bed EARLY cause I was so tired.
Monday: So, I got up late cause I am SO not used to getting up any earlier than noon. I was to work on time, but Aaron had to take my car. I had fun. It was pretty slow, but it was easy training. I know I HAVE to do the training, but most of it is stuff I already know. I basically know how to take tables, etc. The things I did learn were either things I could learn as I go, or the sidework. That was good to have explained. After work, Aaron and I went to shopping for sunglasses for him. We went to the new "Donkey's Gear" place. I got $20 sunglasses, but after I left, I relaized I didn't really like them, and Aaron said they were messed up. We went to WalMart and I got $5 sunglasses, and he got a $10 hat and $10 sunglasses. Go WalMart! We returned the other sunglasses, luckily, they accepted it. :D I got a few togo tips today, plus the rest of my Hostess Tipouts.
Dreams: So, I had some really weird dreams last night. One was where a girl I know who is a GOOD girl, doesn't drink or anything, I was living with her and this guy I know from work named Nick. I know he usually drinks, but in my dream he hadn't been drinking for a while. This girl came home Drunk and passed out, and nick helped her out of her jacket and backpack and stuff. Then, when she woke up, it wasn't her anymore, it was Aaron. He didn't remember Nick (in my dream, it seemed he should have known him) and then looked at me, and didn't remember me. I woke up really upset. I made him promise today never to forget me (even if he was lying, just to ease my fears I guess).
The second one, I was at work and I broke the printer for the register (like that prints out the bills and stuff). Betsy got mad at fired me, and Nick (also in this dream... WEIRD!) got mad at her and stormed out because she didn't do anything when he broke it, but she fired me for it. I got into a car that I thought was Aaron driving (driving my car maybe) but then later it turned into my ex-boyfriend Chris, and he was driving REALLY crazy, like almost running into stuff. He had all these creepy people in the car who neither of us knew.
The third one, I was at Boston's, after they fired me for breaking the printer (it was a different dream, I woke up and fell asleep). They kept asking me to help them, like to take a table, or to hostess a little. I told them that I wouldn't help them because they fired me, although I told nick I'd help him roll silverware, just for sticking up for me the other day when they fired me. This one had a few people from my work, and they were all really mad that I got fired.
So, I tried to call TDL, but they said to call back Tuesday Morning. I have to get up early enough to do that tomorrow morning. Alaska USA called, but they said they were still doing interviews. I've tried to call back a few times, but she is busy. I'm hoping she calls me before 8, when they close. She didn't say they weren't hiring me, but she didn't say they were either. I guess, tomorrow I'll know more. If I have to, i'll keep serving, making tips, and save money. There is a Boston's in Anchorage, so I MAY be able to transfer there at the end of the summer, and work there until I find a permenant job there. If I do move to anchorage, which I hope I will be, then I will want to find a job I can work at for a while, like at least the 2 years Aaron is in school, and probably a couple years after that.
He was being very sweet today, looking at my ring alot and holding my hand when we'd walk around and stuff. I LOVE it when he has those days where he just can't seem to get enough of being in love with me. Its a wonderful feeling, being loved, and loving someone. :D Anyways, any more about it and he will be all upset I told everyone how lovey dovey he was. LOL! :D
At 7:11 AM, April 05, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
OK V, Bryce and i were talking in class yesterday and have decided that we have to do the sledding thing again...of course this time he should come too...he said he has another bed liner and we were talking adn thinking of a way to hook them together adn make like a giant sled! it would be like a boat:) and then we could hook a tow chain to it and haul it behind a snowmachine(although if you had as amny people as you could fit in it i dont think a snowmachine would pull it). but we could totally fit like 20 people in it easy....i think we could try for a world record! it was funny we were joking around about it before class yesterday...anyways LL
At 8:17 AM, April 05, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
and another thing...have you heard anything about that job at the bank? cause you said that you should know by yesterday but then you havent i am one to talk about not posting right? LL
At 7:12 AM, April 06, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
I ment sense they siad that they were still interviewing people have you found anything else out? Oh and you remember how we were always telling maria that she should apply for that job that she really wanted? well she did and last night she called me cause she got it....she is so happy and i am really happy for her....i hope you get the job at the bank too and that i get the job that i am interviewing for on pays 12/hr so i will be super excited if i get it:) well LL
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