Productive Day Ahead.... I hope!
So, monday I'm pretty sure I slept until right before work, bounded out of bed, and off to work I went. Monady night at work was S.......... L.......... O.......... W.......... Right before the general manager left, she mentioned about cleaning. I was supposed to be To-Go. Celia, the expo, said she really didn't feel like expo-ing, and asked if I'd like to switch. Thats the only job I would give up being To-Go for. We switched. She promptly got a $16 tip for a $20 ticket. Yeah, I'm jealous, all right. Anyways, we were there until about 9. The cooks did a wonderful job though, I guess thats probably cause it was slow, but even so, more than half their tickets took 8-12 minutes. Sometimes when its slow, they wander off, and tickets still take a long time. When I got off work, I went to Aaron's house for a while. I think we watched Ocean's 12. Either that, or we did nothing, which I think is what ACTUALLY happend. I didn't get to bed until 6 or so. Oh, I think we watched Stigmata over here.
ANyways, Tuesday I woke up JUST in time to take a shower and rush off to work (I think I see a bad habit here). It was at least Pasta Tuesday, so it wasn't as slow as Monday, but it was really slow for a Tuesday. I got off work at 10 with only $4 in tips cause I only had 2 or 3 to-go orders. I went to Aaron's for less than an hour, then came home. I was in bed by 12:30, probably asleep by 1. I was really proud of myself. I got up this morning at 7:30. I'm trying to start some good habits up, like getting up at a decent hour, and working out. If Aaron gets done working early enough for us to have time to go to the gym, we are going to go jogging. :D Yay for me. So, thats all folks. Check back later to see if I did anything of value today. Oh, and Wish me luck!
ANyways, Tuesday I woke up JUST in time to take a shower and rush off to work (I think I see a bad habit here). It was at least Pasta Tuesday, so it wasn't as slow as Monday, but it was really slow for a Tuesday. I got off work at 10 with only $4 in tips cause I only had 2 or 3 to-go orders. I went to Aaron's for less than an hour, then came home. I was in bed by 12:30, probably asleep by 1. I was really proud of myself. I got up this morning at 7:30. I'm trying to start some good habits up, like getting up at a decent hour, and working out. If Aaron gets done working early enough for us to have time to go to the gym, we are going to go jogging. :D Yay for me. So, thats all folks. Check back later to see if I did anything of value today. Oh, and Wish me luck!
At 12:57 PM, March 08, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
OK i wish you luck, but for what??doing somthing productive? i dont even think i do that and i get up at 5:50am...well i am sure my boss thinks all that i do at work is productive, hey i'm going to church tonight...crazy huh a special lenton service and i am going....i think i really need to find myself, and then i wont feel so lost so i am looking at every avenue...well i better get back to deciding if i am a chemist or not...that was a joke but seriously i do need to get to my chem homework.luv u
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