Worst Day EVER!
Okay, I'm sure I've said that before, but today did suck. I guess I should get up to date first before I start my rant. So, lets see, Sunday I didn't get home until 6 or 7. After that, I didnt' get up until before work. I talked to my roommate and was joking about how Aaron put his shoes in my room so no one would know he was there. He was doing it to be "funny." He said he was sneaky. She left a note on the fridge for him telling him not to be sneaky, and to be an adult, and that she wouldn't let him stay there at all if he was going to try to be "sneaky". I left a note exlpaining that he wasn't really trying to be sneaky, but more joking around. He was upset about it because she was talking to him in the note like she was his parent. He hates that. It bothered me too, because she said that if he was going to do that she "wouldn't LET him stay there." Although it IS her apartment (there is not lease, but she was there first)I do pay 1/2 (or now 1/3) of the rent, and it was like what I wanted didn't matter AT ALL. That bothered me. Sunday night I was expo, which I enjoyed like usual. It was really busy though. I don't remember when I got home sunday night, but I think it was like 3 or 4. We watched Waiting... which was a really good movie. We had already seen it, but it was still funny the second time. I slept in Monday, but I did get up in time to take a shower and go to the post office. It turns out that it was my fault that I wasn't getting my mail. I put 2005 on the form, and a person doesn't read it, a computer did. So, it put it in wrong. They said i'd start getting my mail soon. Monday night work was REALLY REALLY busy. It sucked. I was SO busy all night. I was Togo, but I was also QB, because it was just me. It was CRAZY. I did make about $4 in tips and worked until 11 or so. I went to Aarons, although I was really tired. I watched Elimidate and South Park, and Elimidate agian before I went home. When I got home, I went straight to my room (without eating, because I already had, and without going to the bathroom, because I already had). I was as quiet as I could possibally be, and honestly quieter than I have ever been. After I was in my room, I laid down and started to read. I read and did math puzzels (I know, I"m a dork) until 6:30 or so. I went to bed then, but as always it takes me a while to fall asleep, so until about 7 I was probably trying to sleep. The puppy stays at our house on tuesday thursday morning. Well, when Monica dropped him off, he started barking at 9:00 am (after I had slept for only 2hours), and barked and barked and barked until 11am (thats two hours). I didn't get up and do anything because I know from past experience that there is nothing I can do that will make her shutup. Even our upstairs neighbors came and knocked on the door, and I didn't answer it because I was still in bed (their dog barks all the time too, but just not as much). I finally got up and banged on her kennel to get her to be quiet. She was quiet until noon, then she barked from noon to 1am. I ended up missing my tanning appointment because I was so tired from getting no sleep. I got up and left to go meet Aaron, and left a note for Jackie/Monica about the dog. I tried really hard to be nice, letting them know that I didn't mind the dog if she didn't bark, but it was really annoying to get woken up that early by that, and theres nothing I can do. I left and went to see Aaron. We went to lunch for V-day (at A&W) and then back to his house. I was so tired, so I took a nap while he was shoveling the roof. I didn't really sleep at all. I went back to my house (almost hitting someone the road because it was icy and i was tired). I got home and there was a note for me from Jackie. She didn't feel bad at all about the dog waking me up. She said that Monica felt really bad (and I hope I didn't upset her cause I really do like her), but that I woke her up two times this week (sunday, which was the morning i came home at 6, although we were really quiet that day) and then this morning. This morning I was really quiet, but I guess I woke her up on my way in and she couldn't get back to sleep, apparently my fault. She said that it was hard that I was on a night schedule and she was on day and that maybe it wasn't a good match for being roommates. She said she wasn't asking me to move out but that it was something we should talk about. She also said the landlord wants rent beofre the 1st now, (which when I moved in she said he just came randomly for rent every once in a while, and the other day she said she was not worried about paying rent on time since he wasn't fixing up the house like he should be.) So, now I don't know how I'm going to have the money, but apparently I need it before the 1st. She wanted the check for electric that day so she could pay the bill (she had told me in the note how much she wanted) so I was late for work because I had to find my checkbook. She was saying that with the dog it wasn't a big deal cause it was only 2 days a week and only until the middle of march, whereas HER problem (me waking her up) wasn't going to just go away. It really hurt. I cried a little, and my dad wasn't exactly very supportive. Yeah, tis better than my old situation, but at the same time it sucks too. I wasn't sure what to do. Am I supposed to live there although I am paying rent to make NO decisions and have her not care at all what I want and just make all the decision? I don't want to live there if shes going to be like that, but at the same time I don't want to move again, and don't know if I can afford to, etc. Anyways, I didn't want to go to work, but had to. It was V-day and Pasta Tuesday so I knew it would be a really busy day. i was hoping that I could be expo, but everyone was on the floor. It was really busy and I was really upset. Aaron came in after my work, and he was trying to surprise me and take me to dinner at Denny's, but I was too upset. He was trying to get me to talk to him, but I just kept crying cause of how bad my day had been. I told him all about it, and how upset that note made me. I started thinking about other options, but i'm not sure what I'm going to do. I didn't evenwant to go home tonight, and I can't sleep here cause i'm not allowed to, but at the same time I don't want to go home because I'm really upset. And thursday the dog is going to bark starting at 9am again. Anyways, all in all, today sucked. I'm at Aarons for now, but I think after spending some time with him, I'll go home. Tomorrow I HAVE to do laundry and clean my room and unpack (I hope that I'm not unpacking just to have to pack again to move soon). I partially can't wait until I get married or something because then I don't have to worry about moving all the time and changing roommates, etc. Anyways, I should go. Aaron is feeling neglected.
At 7:26 AM, February 15, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
First-blog posted twice...
second-OMG V I am sorry, that does sound like a shitty day. this is why i figure i should just deal with the roomates i got, cause at least they have somwhat of a right to tell me waht to do. Your roommate sounds like she is kinda being B'tchy...like that comment about your problem with the dog going away but hers wont.... Nina lives there too now huh? well look at it this way, if you do end up moving again at least there isnt a lease, so technically you can just get up and go if she wants to act like that and then she can figure out how to pay rent on her own. Part of me thinks that you might be better off doing what Ash did and getting a one bedroom place only problem with that is that its just if not more expensive than having to live with somone like ash pays almost 700$ a month in rent and utilities. LUV U!!! I think maybe you and her are just having a little spat right now, at least she is willing to talk about it...right?
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