Birthday wasn't all I'd hoped, but thats okay
So, lets see. My brithday I woke up and went to see Aaron for a little while. After that, I went to lunch with my dad. It was okay, nothing spectacular, but good nonetheless. After lunch, I went to my house and picked up Nina (one of my roommates). We went back to my house, and she took a shower. I went to my Birthday Lunch. It was actually very nice. Thanks to April/Amin for bying me dinner. Ruhi left to go to a friends house to study, and ben went with Nava to a movie. Aaron and several others went to class, which left me and Rachel and nothing to do. We went to WalMart and were looking at the fish. I really wanted to buy Aaron a fish, and so we went to Fishtopia. Their feeder fish were cheaper. We got there and decided that we didn't want those fish, we wanted COOL fish. After much deliberation (fun deliberation) we picked out the Tiger Oscars. They can get REALLY big, and theyhave orange stripe, and they were only $10 each. We bought two. Rachel bought the food. On the way home, we spent the whole time figuring out names and made up songs and everything. It was ALOT of fun. We got to Aaron's house (bryce was home) and put them in his tank, and when he got there we were going to surprise him. He came in already in a bad mood. We asked him if he noticed anything differnent, and I could tell he was in no mood to play that game. We told him that we had taken the plate out of his fishtank. He saw it and then was like "you didn't buy me fish did you? Please tell me you didn't buy me fish." He saw the fish and got MAD at me. He was like, "I didn't want that kind of fish. I wanted goldfish." We tried to explain to him that if he got goldfish, any other fish we got him besides goldfish would be poisened. He didn't listen. Anyways, I had been SO excited about the fish, that I couldn't handle him getting mad and rejecting them. (HE even told me to return them!) I started crying and took Rachel home. I was SURE that I would not speak to him until he made it up to me. Well I picked up ben, then went back to his house. Ruhi wasn't home yet. She was supposed to be home at nine, although I'd left a message saying she could be home at ten (it was 10:30 at the time) . I was really mad. Ben was starting to get worried. We went digging through her room looking for her friends number. We couldn't find anything. Aaron called, and told me he was sorry, etc. I wasn't going to listen, and I told him he needed to make it up to me, but then I started to really worry about ruhi. It was about 11 by then I think. I called him back and told himI was still mad at him but that I couldn't find ruhi and I didn't know where she was etc. I was crying. He said he'd be right over. He came over, and I had called my dad crying too. I had NO clue where she was. We finally got her friends number off of her MSN from one of her friends. We called her, at about 11:30, and woke up her family, and her family said Ruhi hadn't been there all day. Then I was mad again, until we got to the airport and I was starting to get worried again, and also upset cause I was going to have to tell her parents that I had lost her. Aaron was there for me, which pretty much got him off the hook. He still hadn't gotten me anything for my birthday. Anyways, it turned out Ruhi had driven to Nenana (and done so twice before) to visit her boyfriend. She was in alot of trouble with her parents. Aaron and I went back to my house. So, the next day he had class in the morning, and I drove him to class and picked him up. I didn't have to work, but I did have my TAM class. I learned alot. It was really interesting, but really easy. While I was at my class, Aaron had my car. When he came to pick me up he showed me my "birthday presents." He had put $50 Silver Star headlights into my car (because I always complained about how I couldn't see at night) and lifted my headlights so they lit up more when I was driving. He also reconnected my reverse lights (because I also complained about not being able to see when I backed up). It was really sweet. Anyways, after that we went back to his house, but I was really tired, so I went hom to bed. Friday morning I was going to go workout, and slept in, until really late. Went to work, and it was Hell. Work has been really bad recently because its been really busy, but my bosses are still worried about Labor, so we are understaffed. Plus, they sent out coupons in the mail for To-Go, so EVERYONE and their mother came in to get To-Go. Its been insane, and worse because a certain person who works there sucks and doesn't do their job and doesn't show up, etc. Today work sucked again, but not AS bad. I just want to go home and go to bed, but Aaron wanted to spend some time with me because this morning I helped nina move instead of spending time with him. So, yes, thats everything until now. :D
At 11:57 AM, February 12, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
i'm glad you and Aaron worked everything out...
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