Practically Bi-Polar
So, yesterday was my day off and I spent it sleeping in, hanging out with Aaron, and going to a movie with him. He has been REALLY REALLY lovey dovey for a little whlie, like not wanting me to go to work cause he'll miss me, and not wanting to let me go when we hug, and telling me how much he loves me, etc. I've been loving it. Getting spoiled actually. Its been wonderful feeling that special. I also know its special cause he's never felt this way before and it took him a long time to feel this way. Its not like one of those people who love you the first day and until the day you are over, and then loves the next person they are with. ANyways, so its been really wonderful until this morning. He came over in the morning, and I was really tired, so I took a nap. Rachel called me like 4 times this morning. She called the first time to tell me we weren't going out for her birthday like planned because her brother was worried about her. She called the second time to tell me that we could go see a movie instead. She called the third time and I didn't get it in time. She called the fourth time to tell me that her dad talked to her brother and convinced him to call her and tell her she could go. So, I had told Aaron when she called the first time that I wasn't going, and when I told him that we were going again, I had my arm around him and he threw it off. I went to take a shower, and fully expected him to be gone when I got out. I did my hair while he just sat there on the bed. Finally, he said that he was sorry for throwing my arm off him. Then he said he had never been more disappointed with my decisions. He had already mentioned several times that he was disappointed, but I tol dhim that I had made a promise to my best friend, so I was going. I also told him that if it didn't bother him, I would have gone either way because I think it would be fun, but since it did, the only reason I was going was because I had promised rachel. Anyways, he left all mad, especially cause I told him he was being childish. I messaged his cell from MSN saying that I figured he didn't want me to call him afterwards like we had planned. He called me and said he didn't care and that he didn't know if he was ever going to call me again. I told him it was ridiculous that he would threaten to break up with me over this, because he had been not happy, but accepting of it before rachel cancelled, then he changed his mind, and decided that he wouldn't even accept it now. I don't know why he's so upset, but I really do hope he doesn't break up with me. I love him, and I told him that, although I am REALLY REALLY mad at him, I still love him. Apparently he doesn't feel the same way when he's mad at me. The fact that he would threaten to break up with me over this makes me wonder if he really ever did love me. I guess I'll find out if he decides to "never call me again".
At 10:02 PM, February 24, 2006,
Anonymous said…
I'm sorry V...i know this is my falt cause duh im rachel. your on your way over here now but i feel bad, i hope you and aaron really are ok and that he ment it when he came to Bostons with roses for you cause if you guys break up over this i will feel horrible, esp if the only reason you are going is cause of me...and i hope Aaron isnt mad at me for this, but i really need you there cause i dont trust the other people that Ash got to DD and i know that if i am with you i wont be as pressured to get tanked cause you will dance with me adn do other stuff other than drink, and bring me "rum and coke" easy on the i luv ya v, thank you and if you need me to talk to Aarron i will and explain to him how important it was to me that you be with me tonight to keep me out of trouble.
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