Had a Blast
Okay, so I went out friday night. I posted about Aaron before I went to work. I was really mad. I was at work, and he called and said he was sorry about being mean. I told him it was okay and I loved him. Later he showed up at work, looking very apologetic. It was sweet. He asked if he could take me to dinner before I went out and I said yes, but it had to be quick. He came back when I was off work and we went to taco bell. On the way out to my car, I saw that he had left roses in my front seat. It was very sweet. We went to Taco Bell, and then went to my house. He waited while I got ready, then he left and I left. He was REALLY REALLY upset because he thought something would happen to me. He wasn't MAD as much as worried. He even told me he had called his mom totally upset and she was trying to tell him he had to let me go do this, but he just kept trying to explain it to her. Thats when he figured out why he was upset. Anyways, I told him I would call him in between every place and that I would be very careful and everything would be okay. He let me go.
I went to pick up rachel and stopped to pick up money. Apparently I had missed a check in my check register so I had NO money. I was so pissed. Rachel was ready when I got there. We went to Silver Spur first. We had to pay $4 each, but someone paid for Rachel's. She had quite a bit to drink, but wasn't really acting drunk yet. We had a bit of fun there, but it was kinda boring except that she and Ashley got a lap dance from a bull, and her friend there who was this 30-something chick was stealing peoples drinks she was so drunk. We were there for about an hour or so. Next we stopped by the Greyhound. It was really small, and really lame. We weren't even going to go, but they insisted the bartender wanted to see them, so we HAD to go. Luckily there was no cover.
Kodiak Jacks was the funnest of all the places. We showed up and because i was DD I got a wristband that gave me free non-alcohalic drinks. They let rachel in free cause it was her birthday. We saw a bunch of people we new, and talked for a little bit. Then Rachel saw the bull. She was SO excited. Seriously, she looked like one of those little kids who was getting IceCream. She rode the bull TONS of times. I rode it once, and it was fun. I guess he went faster with me cause I was sober, but it was not as hard as I suspected. They also had the girls dance on the bar when they played one of the songs they play on Coyote Ugly when they dance on the bar. Ashley and Rachel danced on the bar, but I chose not to. I figured that it might bother Aaron, although it looked like alot of fun. We danced some more on the ground, and eventually left. We were there for about 2 hours or so, because it was so much fun. I could see going back there with rachel alot, if it didn't bother Aaron so much. Hideout was next, but we just stopped by to check it out. I wanted to see it, and might never get a chance again, so we went. She paid for my cover, and hers, and we looked around. Its pretty sweet setup, although we didn't have fun cause it was just us and there was no one we knew there.
After I took her home and we recapped for her mom, I went to Aaron's. He was glad I was okay. We spent some time together. Saturday I was late for work. I was supposed to work at 4, and I forgot (like always) and so I was there at 5. I worked until around midnight. We were EXPECTING 60 people as part of a Ice Dogs Buffet thing or something, but no one came. We had reserved a section and a waiter who didn't get any tables while he waited around for it. It was dumb. Stupid Ice Dogs. After work I hung out with Aaron again. I knew I should just go home and go to bed, but I'm stupid about that sometimes. We had a ton of fun just playing around and being dumb. We don't do that very often, so it was really fun. Sunday I woke up right before work again. Aaron went snowboarding while I was at work. He and Kyle came into work and ate, so I sat with them while I did my sidework.
I seriously wanted to walkout today because the stupid manager was really dumb. We could honestly do better wihtout him and just with his manager card. Most of the employees know how to do the manager stuff on the computer and have to show him, and he cut 2 servers before 7, and we had this rush at 7. Everyone was busy and screwed over cause of him. Anyways, it was dumb, but I got off early (although I need the money I didn't feel like staying that night). After that Aaron and Kyle and Me went to his house and I did some more of Bryce's puzzle he let me borrow. Its a hard one, but i'm getting it slowly but surely. He brought me back to my car, and I came home. Thats all for now. ANyone who read the "quick update" its gone cause i went over it in this one and didn't want to repeat myself.
I went to pick up rachel and stopped to pick up money. Apparently I had missed a check in my check register so I had NO money. I was so pissed. Rachel was ready when I got there. We went to Silver Spur first. We had to pay $4 each, but someone paid for Rachel's. She had quite a bit to drink, but wasn't really acting drunk yet. We had a bit of fun there, but it was kinda boring except that she and Ashley got a lap dance from a bull, and her friend there who was this 30-something chick was stealing peoples drinks she was so drunk. We were there for about an hour or so. Next we stopped by the Greyhound. It was really small, and really lame. We weren't even going to go, but they insisted the bartender wanted to see them, so we HAD to go. Luckily there was no cover.
Kodiak Jacks was the funnest of all the places. We showed up and because i was DD I got a wristband that gave me free non-alcohalic drinks. They let rachel in free cause it was her birthday. We saw a bunch of people we new, and talked for a little bit. Then Rachel saw the bull. She was SO excited. Seriously, she looked like one of those little kids who was getting IceCream. She rode the bull TONS of times. I rode it once, and it was fun. I guess he went faster with me cause I was sober, but it was not as hard as I suspected. They also had the girls dance on the bar when they played one of the songs they play on Coyote Ugly when they dance on the bar. Ashley and Rachel danced on the bar, but I chose not to. I figured that it might bother Aaron, although it looked like alot of fun. We danced some more on the ground, and eventually left. We were there for about 2 hours or so, because it was so much fun. I could see going back there with rachel alot, if it didn't bother Aaron so much. Hideout was next, but we just stopped by to check it out. I wanted to see it, and might never get a chance again, so we went. She paid for my cover, and hers, and we looked around. Its pretty sweet setup, although we didn't have fun cause it was just us and there was no one we knew there.
After I took her home and we recapped for her mom, I went to Aaron's. He was glad I was okay. We spent some time together. Saturday I was late for work. I was supposed to work at 4, and I forgot (like always) and so I was there at 5. I worked until around midnight. We were EXPECTING 60 people as part of a Ice Dogs Buffet thing or something, but no one came. We had reserved a section and a waiter who didn't get any tables while he waited around for it. It was dumb. Stupid Ice Dogs. After work I hung out with Aaron again. I knew I should just go home and go to bed, but I'm stupid about that sometimes. We had a ton of fun just playing around and being dumb. We don't do that very often, so it was really fun. Sunday I woke up right before work again. Aaron went snowboarding while I was at work. He and Kyle came into work and ate, so I sat with them while I did my sidework.
I seriously wanted to walkout today because the stupid manager was really dumb. We could honestly do better wihtout him and just with his manager card. Most of the employees know how to do the manager stuff on the computer and have to show him, and he cut 2 servers before 7, and we had this rush at 7. Everyone was busy and screwed over cause of him. Anyways, it was dumb, but I got off early (although I need the money I didn't feel like staying that night). After that Aaron and Kyle and Me went to his house and I did some more of Bryce's puzzle he let me borrow. Its a hard one, but i'm getting it slowly but surely. He brought me back to my car, and I came home. Thats all for now. ANyone who read the "quick update" its gone cause i went over it in this one and didn't want to repeat myself.
At 11:14 PM, February 28, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
I am happy that you had a good time V, so did i....Saturday wasnt as fun cause you werent there and i think that Toby drank even though Ash said he didnt ( he was our DD) i am pretty sure that while he was driving us home i heard him say that he had had a couple shots, it really bugs me. At least with you i know that i will get home safe and that i can trust you when you say your going to be a DD---i guess its a little different cause you dont drink, but when i say that i will DD i wont drink at all hte whole night cause i know other peoples lives depend on me....anyway i dont think i am going to go out for a while and if i do i will DD, or drive myself better yet and let them all worry about themselves and whether their DD has been drinking. I liked having you there cause you wont ditch me either, everytime i turned around Saturday it seemed like i was alone, although i;m not sure if i was the one wondering off or if Ashley was...any way it wasnt the same with out you...luv u
At 3:40 PM, March 03, 2006,
Anonymous said…
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