Drama At Work
Okay, so, wednesday I cleaned my room and did laundry, although I did also go to dinner with Aaron because Bryce had some kind of church thing at Food Factory and we said we'd go. I got ALL my laundry done (it was like $30 just for laundry!!!) and cleaned quite a bit of my room done. I think most of what I have in here is stuff I need to store and i'm not sure where to store it. Probably at my dads. After Aaron got out of class, I called him to see about going to a movie, but we got in a fight about whether or not he should come over, and all this stuff. We fight about that alot (him coming over here). He doesn't like being here anymore because of the problems with him and my roommate. Anyways, I called him after his class on tuesday (well, actually I think I called him before his class and we met up after his class). I went tanning while he was in class, then after he was done with his test, him and I went and worked out. FINALLY! It was fun. He jogged a mile, while i jogged, then walked, then jogged, then walked a mile. We also played around on the machines, but mostly it was the jogging. It was nice. I got to my house and was going to take a shower, but my roommate was there with some guy, and I didn't really want to take a shower with some guy there (don't ask me why, I'm weird) so I went to my dads (where I was supposed to go after the shower. I found out that I will be CAUGHT UP by then end of April. I'm really excited. I know thats FOREVER from now, but thats only if I stay on the same hours and pay as I am now, but if they make me server (fingers crossed) then it will be sooner. Than, I have the one Credit Card to pay off and I will even be out of debt (besides school). Anyways, I hope I can keep with my budget. I'm getting more hours at work cause its busier, so I got 33.5 hours last week. (wow, thats sad that that is a good week. LOL!) That will mean good money in tips and paycheck. So, after I was at my dads, I went to take a shower and talked to jackie a bit. We were both tired, so we both sounded madder than we were. I am still not deleriously happy living here, but happier than I was at the old place, and its WAY cheaper. Its better for me. Work Thursday was fast then slow then fast then slow. I stayed pretty late though. Friday I went to work and then went to Aaron's afterwards. I was going to come home and go to bed, but she wasn't homeyet, so I figured if she was out that late (like midnight) then I could stay out late, and if I woke her up when I came in, then she was already out really late anyways. Saturday morning I woke up and basically went to work after I got up. I had to work at four. I was Expo, which i loved. I had straighted my hair though and put in cute earrings and stuff. I felt like looking cute, I don't know why. So, at work I was all cute and stuff and the cooks just hit on me left and right. They were ALL OVER me! It was insane. I had so much fun at work and since I looked so cute, I wanted to go somewhere, so Aaron took me to Denny's (woopie, LOL!) I can't wait until Friday when I take rachel out for her birthday. its going to be a blast. Aaron and I got in another fight about him coming over. Okay, Venting time. I'm really tired of Aaron bitching about coming over. I love him, but he never wants to come over here and stuff. We argue about it all the time. He says its cause he can't do ANYTHING. I'm like, we can watch TV or play computer. He says, but thats all. I ask him what we can do at his house besides that. he doesn't really have an answer. He then complains about not being able to make any noise because he'll wake up jackie, and that he feels bad getting up to use the bathroom or make food, etc. I told him I hate getting up at his house too because of the dog and the hallways all dark, and bryce's door is open when he sleeps. He seems to think I'm being silly. We argue about him coming over here alot. Until Saturday night, I couldn't get him to come in, because if Jackie came home, he didn't want to see her. It was REAL annoying. Oh well, I'm done venting. So, yes. Today, (sunday) I woke up at 1:30 or so. I took a shower, ate lunch/dinner with Aaron, then I went to work. It was REALLY REALLY icy cause it rained last night. Thta kinda sucked. One of the hostesses from work got hit by a car (I hope she's okay. I heard she's at the hospital). Another girl was in the hospital, and her boyfriend (one of the managers) didn't come in tonight because he wanted to be with her. We ended up getting slammed, which sucked. I was expo, and Kym was QB (which was cool cause I LOVE expo). The guys all hit on me again. It turns out, right before my shift, they fired one of the cooks (which sucks, cause he's awesome). Our best dishwasher isn't on the schedule anymore, so maybe he doesn't work there anymore. Danielle didn't work this weekend, so I'm not sure if she works there at all cause Betsy said she fired some Hostesses. I know three of the Hostesses that don't do jack still work there. So I don't know who she fired. The closing waiter didn't come in tonight, so since the other two servers just plain refused to close, Mike had to close, which pissed him off. Lucas was in the bar and getting mad at Bill (then new manager, who is kinda dumb and annoying) so he's going on and on about that. Anyways, thats the work drama. I work tomorrow and Tuesday. Good think I like my job. :D Thats all for now, I think. :D Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY ERYNN (my sister-in-law). Her birthday was saturday. :D
At 7:23 AM, February 20, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
HEY V! i'm happy that things are better at work adn they you and jackie talked, i;m sorry about Aaron though, sometimes Micheal and i fight over stupid stuff too. I'm really excited about friday too, i got ahead in comm so that i dont have to worry about it this weekend, i miss you and Ash sooooo much!!!! and i keep dreaming day and night about friday cause i know that it will be fun cause i will be with my two bestest friends in the whole wide world!!! Its going to be the BEST birthday EVER just cause i will be with you! can you tell i am excited?lol oh you got to read my blog about the crapola that happend yesterday.
I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
At 1:45 PM, February 20, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Oh and i wanted to talk to you about friday too. we are going to go to the silver spur first cause that is where ash really wants to go adn then to kodiaks which is kinda lame cause i am pretty sure both places have a cover charge but i dont know for sure. oh and somehow your phone number go deleted out of my cell so all i have is your cell number...lame
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