Finally, they are going to make me server
So, I talked to my boss Saturday morning, and she told me that she was planning on training me to be a server the week after spring break. I'm very excited. That means the 20th I will start training, and I think the training lasts about a week. So, I guess I should update from the rest of the week
Monday: Worked out in the morning , then went to the bank and ACS and Allstate. I was spending that day paying bills. When I went to AllState, they told me they had turned off my car insurance on the 20th. I had been driving without insurance for those 7 days. Good thing nothing happend! :D Anyways, I was REALLY upset. Cried quite a bit. Its really sad that that is what I do when soemthing happens. Cry about it. Its sad how often I cry about stuff, even sometimes silly stuff. Somethings wrong with me! Anyways, I called my dad, and he came over later and we talked about it. After some talk, we went to my insurace place and he payed my insurance bill. Its really nice that he keeps saving me. I didn't want to work, but now more than ever I realized that I HAD to work. I couldn't afford not to. I went to work.
Tuesday: I had promised my dad that I would immediately start looking for either part time work or a different full time job. Monday night I had looked through Sunday's paper and looked online at jobs. I had a list of places to go. I slept in for a long time. When I finally got up, I had to go to work.
Wednesday: I was planning on going job hunting Wednesday, but again soemthing came up. I had dinner at my dads, and then Feast. I had to tell him I hadn't gone job hunting yet. Feast was really nice.
Thursday: The first day of the fast. I am only fasting 6am-4pm because i have to be AT work at 5, and cannot eat at 6 pm, but i cannot start at 4am because I would wake up my roommate. I had dinner at my dads with Aaron. It was fun. I had planned on going job hunting thursday too, but for some reason I was REALLY REALLY tired. I could not figure out why. I just kept falling asleep. Finally I had to meet Aaron to pick up my Resume/References I had printed, and so I HAD to get up. I came home after "lunch" (where I didn't eat) and almost fell asleep then. I cleaned the bathtub before my roommate left town, and then went to dinner (first i stopped by april's to have a little chat). My roommate left town LATE thursday night, and so Aaron and I hung out at his house to give her time to pack and get ready.
Friday: Slept the day away AGAIN and went to work. Work was great on friday. I had alot of fun. When I first got there I saw I was To-Go. I was really excited about that. I LOVE being To-Go. I get tips. It was the first day I was ever scheduled for it. Normally I just end up doing it after everyone leaves, or because someone doesn't show up. This other girl (who is usually expo) wanted to trade, but I told her I never get scheduled for it, and really wanted to do it, and I really needed the money. She said something sounding like she thought she needed it more than me, which I HIGHLY doubt, considering that she lives with her family and is still in highschool. She was mad I wouldn't trade at first, but then Halley traded, and so Halley was QB, and she was Busser/Runner. I was supposed to get tipped out, but Troy didn't feel like giving it to me, so I had to get it Saturday morning. At least I had made $13 in tips that night, so I had SOME money. I bought some food, went to Aaron's house and hung out.
Saturday: Woke up early enough to go to work to get my tips (which was more than last week, which was more than the week before, and so on and so forth). I took it to the bank and deposited it. We didn't have alot of time before I had to work at 4. We did go to WalMart so I could get work pants. Mine were splitting on the "crotch area", which is a really bad place for a split. The pants I got were on cheap, cute and comfortable. (the three C's). I showed up ONETIME (:D) at 4:00. The girl there was going crazy because she was busy. SHe was trying to get out of there at 4, instead of 5 when she was supposed to stay until. She seemed to think she could leave when I got htere. She didn't really do her sidework. Daniella was scheduled for QB and I for togo (yay!). The same girl from last night and Daniella had switched, so she was scheduled for QB again. SHe freaked out, asked me to swtich. When I said no, she got really mad at me, and asked the other girls. They both said no, and so she asked me again. I explained to her that I REALLY needed the tips, and that if I hadn't been togo the night before, then I wouldn't have had ANY food cause I couldn't get my tip out friday night. I tried explaining to her why I needed the money, but she didn't care. She was being mean and grouchy and glaring all night. It was really annoying. Normally, she's really cool, but she was just being a BRAT. I got half an hour overtime and $10 in tips.
Sunday (Today): I woke up in time to go to the store, and then go to work on time (its sad how much I sleep in). I was ToGo again, but it got really busy, and they were short cooks, so halfway through the evening, I started doing expo (I was still togo, but it wasn't too busy for togo) while Kym (the expo) was cooking. She wants to be a cook anyways, so it made her happy. I hope they let her be a cook. I don't see why they wouldn't. It was INSANE busy for a little while (or at least felt that way). Finally, after they had cut all the servers but one (chris) I was going to leave soon. Chris asked if I wanted to take a table. He said he'd give me the tip. I didn't really care about the tip because its my job to help, but he didn't just mean take their drink order, etc. He meant TAKE their table. I took their drink order, borrowed his card and put it in. Brought their drinks, took their food order, brought their appetizer, checked on them a couple times, brought their food order, checked on them some more, brought their check and gave them a comment card. They gave me a $5 tip (and that was low for the % only because they had been waiting a while for service in the first place. I clocked off before I was done, but I didn't care cause I LOVE serving and was so excited. ( I know, I"m really sad). Anyways, that was exciting. I got off work BEFORE 11, so I went to freds to shop. Got food for a while (lots of $1 meals, like frozen pizzas and mac n' cheese. Its sometimes amazing how condiments cost more than the food itself. LOL! I went home and unpacked it all, went to Aaron's and watched a movie and came home.
Title: So I forgot to mention the title, didn't I. Saturday morning I picked up my tips from betsy. I mentioned to her that I had to look for either a part time job or a different job because I couldn't afford to live off working there, unless I was serving. SHe told me she had been planning on promoting me to server after spring break (because she couldn't do it before because her trainer can't work spring break). So 20th is the day spring break is over (monday) and so I SHOULD start training then. I'm very very excited. I know I could make a ton of money serving, so I could get caught up, pay off everyone I owe (Aaron and my dad) and start to really put a dent in all my debt. I could maybe get a cell phone eventually (definatly not yet, and Aaron said not until I pay him back). I could start worrying less about money. I still would try to be careful with it, but just I wouldn't worry like I have been recently. It would all be really nice. So, yeah, thats really nice. :D
Monday: Worked out in the morning , then went to the bank and ACS and Allstate. I was spending that day paying bills. When I went to AllState, they told me they had turned off my car insurance on the 20th. I had been driving without insurance for those 7 days. Good thing nothing happend! :D Anyways, I was REALLY upset. Cried quite a bit. Its really sad that that is what I do when soemthing happens. Cry about it. Its sad how often I cry about stuff, even sometimes silly stuff. Somethings wrong with me! Anyways, I called my dad, and he came over later and we talked about it. After some talk, we went to my insurace place and he payed my insurance bill. Its really nice that he keeps saving me. I didn't want to work, but now more than ever I realized that I HAD to work. I couldn't afford not to. I went to work.
Tuesday: I had promised my dad that I would immediately start looking for either part time work or a different full time job. Monday night I had looked through Sunday's paper and looked online at jobs. I had a list of places to go. I slept in for a long time. When I finally got up, I had to go to work.
Wednesday: I was planning on going job hunting Wednesday, but again soemthing came up. I had dinner at my dads, and then Feast. I had to tell him I hadn't gone job hunting yet. Feast was really nice.
Thursday: The first day of the fast. I am only fasting 6am-4pm because i have to be AT work at 5, and cannot eat at 6 pm, but i cannot start at 4am because I would wake up my roommate. I had dinner at my dads with Aaron. It was fun. I had planned on going job hunting thursday too, but for some reason I was REALLY REALLY tired. I could not figure out why. I just kept falling asleep. Finally I had to meet Aaron to pick up my Resume/References I had printed, and so I HAD to get up. I came home after "lunch" (where I didn't eat) and almost fell asleep then. I cleaned the bathtub before my roommate left town, and then went to dinner (first i stopped by april's to have a little chat). My roommate left town LATE thursday night, and so Aaron and I hung out at his house to give her time to pack and get ready.
Friday: Slept the day away AGAIN and went to work. Work was great on friday. I had alot of fun. When I first got there I saw I was To-Go. I was really excited about that. I LOVE being To-Go. I get tips. It was the first day I was ever scheduled for it. Normally I just end up doing it after everyone leaves, or because someone doesn't show up. This other girl (who is usually expo) wanted to trade, but I told her I never get scheduled for it, and really wanted to do it, and I really needed the money. She said something sounding like she thought she needed it more than me, which I HIGHLY doubt, considering that she lives with her family and is still in highschool. She was mad I wouldn't trade at first, but then Halley traded, and so Halley was QB, and she was Busser/Runner. I was supposed to get tipped out, but Troy didn't feel like giving it to me, so I had to get it Saturday morning. At least I had made $13 in tips that night, so I had SOME money. I bought some food, went to Aaron's house and hung out.
Saturday: Woke up early enough to go to work to get my tips (which was more than last week, which was more than the week before, and so on and so forth). I took it to the bank and deposited it. We didn't have alot of time before I had to work at 4. We did go to WalMart so I could get work pants. Mine were splitting on the "crotch area", which is a really bad place for a split. The pants I got were on cheap, cute and comfortable. (the three C's). I showed up ONETIME (:D) at 4:00. The girl there was going crazy because she was busy. SHe was trying to get out of there at 4, instead of 5 when she was supposed to stay until. She seemed to think she could leave when I got htere. She didn't really do her sidework. Daniella was scheduled for QB and I for togo (yay!). The same girl from last night and Daniella had switched, so she was scheduled for QB again. SHe freaked out, asked me to swtich. When I said no, she got really mad at me, and asked the other girls. They both said no, and so she asked me again. I explained to her that I REALLY needed the tips, and that if I hadn't been togo the night before, then I wouldn't have had ANY food cause I couldn't get my tip out friday night. I tried explaining to her why I needed the money, but she didn't care. She was being mean and grouchy and glaring all night. It was really annoying. Normally, she's really cool, but she was just being a BRAT. I got half an hour overtime and $10 in tips.
Sunday (Today): I woke up in time to go to the store, and then go to work on time (its sad how much I sleep in). I was ToGo again, but it got really busy, and they were short cooks, so halfway through the evening, I started doing expo (I was still togo, but it wasn't too busy for togo) while Kym (the expo) was cooking. She wants to be a cook anyways, so it made her happy. I hope they let her be a cook. I don't see why they wouldn't. It was INSANE busy for a little while (or at least felt that way). Finally, after they had cut all the servers but one (chris) I was going to leave soon. Chris asked if I wanted to take a table. He said he'd give me the tip. I didn't really care about the tip because its my job to help, but he didn't just mean take their drink order, etc. He meant TAKE their table. I took their drink order, borrowed his card and put it in. Brought their drinks, took their food order, brought their appetizer, checked on them a couple times, brought their food order, checked on them some more, brought their check and gave them a comment card. They gave me a $5 tip (and that was low for the % only because they had been waiting a while for service in the first place. I clocked off before I was done, but I didn't care cause I LOVE serving and was so excited. ( I know, I"m really sad). Anyways, that was exciting. I got off work BEFORE 11, so I went to freds to shop. Got food for a while (lots of $1 meals, like frozen pizzas and mac n' cheese. Its sometimes amazing how condiments cost more than the food itself. LOL! I went home and unpacked it all, went to Aaron's and watched a movie and came home.
Title: So I forgot to mention the title, didn't I. Saturday morning I picked up my tips from betsy. I mentioned to her that I had to look for either a part time job or a different job because I couldn't afford to live off working there, unless I was serving. SHe told me she had been planning on promoting me to server after spring break (because she couldn't do it before because her trainer can't work spring break). So 20th is the day spring break is over (monday) and so I SHOULD start training then. I'm very very excited. I know I could make a ton of money serving, so I could get caught up, pay off everyone I owe (Aaron and my dad) and start to really put a dent in all my debt. I could maybe get a cell phone eventually (definatly not yet, and Aaron said not until I pay him back). I could start worrying less about money. I still would try to be careful with it, but just I wouldn't worry like I have been recently. It would all be really nice. So, yeah, thats really nice. :D
At 7:23 AM, March 06, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
you saw me friday too dork...gosh cant believe you forgot me...Just joking. Im glad that everything is going well adn that you will be a server soon, then when i come into Bostons i will ask for your section!!!! yea!!!
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