Can't Wait Until My Birthday
So, this weekend was the same as any other. Its kinda lame that my weekends are so lame. Friday night, I worked. It was really busy. Saturday morning I made the kids French Toast, Aaron, Ben and I went to town and hung out. We took ben home, went to Aaron's house to get ready for work, then went to work. It was busy again. Sunday morning I had to get up to meet Nina at my house. She was meeting my roommate to see if they wanted her to move in. They decided yes, so she's moving in sometime. :D Yay (less money, living with Nina, all around good). Anyways, so after that I went to Aaron's and slept. It was nice. I miss falling asleep with him. Oh well, i'm sure its for the best, but its still nice every once in a while. He woke up for ths SuperBowl, so we watched it, then I went to work. Because it was halfway through the superbowl, and the fact that I'm not a sever, there was nothing to do. The Bar was PACKED. She said I could go home and could call at 6 to see if they needed me. I went to Aarons, came back at 6:15 and then worked until 8. I only got 2 hours of work in, but I didn't do much during it, and ate, so I guess it was okay. There was a table that came in and asked their server (AFTER ordering their food) if we would either turn down or preferably turn OFF the SUPERBOWL! Of course, our manager said no, so she left without getting her food. It was ridiculous. Anyways, since I was off early, Aaron and I rented movies and watched them. Today I slept in at Ruhi/Ben's house until noon or 1:30. I stopped by Aarons but because it was THIRTY DEGREES he was going snowmachining. It was so warm, it was awesome. I went home, took a shower, and went to the post office. I am trying to figure out what they did with my mail. Apparently my old place has stopped taking it, but the new place isn't delivering it. I have to call them tomorrow. I also called the newsminer and it turns out I won't get the job. They hired someone else. I don't know if I mentioned about the job (apparently I did). Then came back to Ruhi/Bens, ate leftover tacos (I made taco's Sunday night) and then went to work. On the way, I was turning onto the road my work was on, and pulled forward to go, decided not to, because I didn't want to cut this guy off, and the guy behind me hit me. I pulled out of the way and so did he. We looked at my car, it was fine, and we looked at his, and it was fine. I went to work, and the went his way. I knew it would make Aaron mad (it did) but it was too much hassel for nothing, and I was late for work because of it, and didn't want to wait for police to tell me what I already knew, that it was his fault and nothing happened to either car. It was slow (besides people walking in right after each other at 5, with only two servers), but I worked until 9. I went home, called Aaron, and went to his house. We rented movies for the kids and us (ben wanted to hang out with Aaron more) but once we got there, Ben was asleep. Ruhi and Aaron and I watched "Final Approach." It was REALLY REALLY REALLY bad. I told Aaron to tell his best friend Bryce that it was awesome and get him to watch it, just cause it would be funny cause it was so bad. Anyways, we watched it, then I took Aaron home. Now I'm going to go to bed.
At 10:00 AM, February 09, 2006,
Erynn said…
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! FROM ERYNN & MICAH!!! :) WE miss you! :) *Hugs*
At 11:51 AM, February 09, 2006,
Anonymous said…
Happy birthday YESTRDAY! :-)
~Molly + Sudiptya
At 12:38 PM, February 11, 2006,
Rachel_Bachert said…
Hey V, i hope everythingis going well with you, did aaron keep the fish? if he still doesnt want them i can talk to my uncle and see if he wants them for his giant tank in his house, then they could get to be huge! and we could feed them aarons gold fish...ok that would be mean, but we could still feed them gold fish and possible the occational small child (that was a joke too)luve you
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