Babysitting (that doesn't even adaquately describe it)
So, I"m watching Ben and Ruhi for the week while their mother is at their son's graduation from Boot Camp. So, update until here, I worked last week. Monday was just another work day, and so was Tuesday. It was Pasta Tuesday, so it was busy though, while monday was as slow as can be. Aaron came to my work afterwards, but I had already used up my 50%, so we only got 15%, but it was fun. Wednesday the kids didn't get back from going to the airport until 10 or so, and then they called me, so I went back to their house. They are SO easy to watch. I feel like i'm just there to make sure no one breaks into the house. Their mom had given me alot of money for gas already and left money for food, so yesterday we went shopping. Ruhi didn't want to go, so Ben and Me and Aaron went. Ben LOVES Aaron. He had so much fun with him. He said Aaron reminds him of his brother, but I don't see the similarity. It was fun though. Aaron and I went to Travis's (Karrina's boyfriend's) house, and all Karrina, Travis, Aaron and I watched Zorro II. It wasn't really any good, but we had alot of fun joking with the dogs, etc. I got home late, and the kids were already in bed. They are really good. Now, the pets on the other hand, I don't know if i'd pet sit. They are harder to control. THe dog and the cat like to play, and they make ALOT of noise when they play, so I try to get them to stop and they don't, they just run around and knock things off of desks and counters, etc. Its real annoying. They also tear things up. Either way, the pets weren't so bad that I don't enjoy it. I'm going to cook for them, even if I have to cook it then put it in the microwave later, because I have work. Wednesday is my birthday (yay :D) so I'm going out to eat at Bostons with alot of my friends. I don't know that i've invited everyone, but i've let a few people know. I need to make sure everyone knows. Aparently, Ruhi and Ben are supposed to pay for my Dinner, because thats what their mom told them to do for my birthday, with the money for food. So, thats about all. I have to go to work today and a movie with my dad before work. It should be fun.
At 8:07 AM, February 08, 2006,
Erynn said…
So you guys are all flying down to pay for my dinner then?! :)
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