Merry Christmas
Okay, so that last comment by akangel (if anyone read it) was decided because we were looking at peoples pictures and guessing what they were like. We were joking of course. We would never assume we knew something about someone by how they looked, we were just messing around. Anyways, there was a girl who had bangs (like curled right above her eyes). I said she looked nice, because she had bangs. Well,it turns out, rachel had bangs, Aleena had bangs, and all these people. They were nice (at least when they had bangs). Its like a "nice girl trademark". Anyways, since the last post didn't really say anything except that I missed Aaron, i'll update from the post before. Lets see... I talked to Aaron on thursday, and then went to sleep. I slept for about 12 or more hours. When I did get up I didn't really do anything at all. I didn't even watch my show, which is really unusual for me. I was even awake, but I was so "blah" that I forgot it was thrusday and didn't watch the OC. Oh well. I went to work and Made about 50 bucks. I got to leave ON TIME! I started my sidework early. The cook was being a dick, which is probably why I only made 50. It messed up how I was working, and it made my food take longer, and etc. I told Terrea (my manager) that I couldn't work this tuesday cause I had to pick up Aaron at the airport. I told her his flight comes in at 5 and since thats when I have to work, and we still have to pick up his bags and take him home and he would have just gotten back, etc. that I wouldn't have been able to work until later, and I didn't really want to. SHe said that was okay. After work Friday I decided not to sleep because since that was the LAST TIME I would be working graves, I wanted to reset my schedule so I would be working normal hours. I mostly just talked to Aaron on the phone, and then Rachel online. She was acting like she was on crack cause she was so Hyper. She hadn't eaten anything is why, and had Coffee. Actually a mocha sounds good. Anyways, when she got off work I asked if I could borrow her glasses cause I can't wear contacts (when I tried to put them in for work the night before I almost cried it stung so bad. She said yeah, so I met her at her house. She gave me her glasses and then a present for Xmas. It was an old Navy gift card, 3 pairs of hot underwear, and some candles. It was so so sweet of her to buy all that stuff for me. I love her so much. Anyways, we spend a LONG time goofing off, and when her dad came back to take her shopping, we kept goofing off just with him (thats when the Bangs comment got put on). We had so much fun I didn't want to leave, so I totally imposed on her and her dad and sister and went shopping. It was fun. We went to Old Navy, but she didn't find anything. We went to Mariposa but she didn't find anything there either. I found this dress I LOVE for only 50 but I thought of Aaron and thought of how I knew I shouldn't be spending money. I had been needing to go shopping, but I had the gift card, so that would cure that without spending money. :D She wanted to go home, but instead we went to sears, and she found some stuff that she was happy with (they were both looking for clothes for Christmas Eve Church). We went to dinner, than leah's wrestling meet. She left and then when we got to her car, we talked for about 3 hours. It was good to talk to her. :D I really like being there for her, and she seems to like it, although sometimes she forgets until she gets there. ;) So, I went home and it was only 1030 or so, but I was tired. I was going to go brush my teeth and wash my face, but fell asleep on my bed. Aleena came in and told me that her and felicia were just going to move back in with her mom, since they can't afford rent without me. I was supposed to talk to the landlord already but my dad said she called and said she wasn't going to be in the office Friday, so I should come talk to her Tuesday. Anyways, I went back to sleep and slept until Aaron called at 6:30. It was really nice. After we hung up, I wanted to go back to sleep but I felt really weird. I just could not sleep for some reason. I finally was able to after reading a bit. I meant to get up way earlier since i had slept already for about 8 hours, but I didn't get up until 3. I had to make it to bostons by 5. I got dressed, went to bostons and they told me that they had changed the schedule. Now its 5-10 on Friday, Saturday, Sunday. And since Denny's wants me to work 5-12 Monday Tuesday Wednesday, I will basically be working the same shift everyday but thursday (which is a good deal cause my show is on wednesday. LOL!) Anyways, I went to WalMart and got some things I needed and some xmas presents for Aaron's Sister and Mother. I went to Old Navy and bought these REALLY cute tan boots with tan fur (they match my jacket I've been wearing) and then a Pink Tshirt that i've been needing for a while. I have this cute pink sweater but it has a hole right on my chest, so I cant wear it, and I wear my other blue sweater like it with a darker blue tshirt and its really cute, so I wanted a pink one so I coudl do the same and then you can't see the hole. :D It turned out good. I came home and actually did some cleaning up and stuff. I got a little bit done (not a WHOLE bunch, but some). I really need to get to that because I want to start moving my stuff when Aaron comes back on the 27th. Maybe i'll move it all on the 29th, but even then, I still need it ALL to be packed. I also need to clean a bit. I've been spending a lot of time with A daily planner I bought back for school. I decided to start using it, but I can't until Jan 1. But I keep playing with it, like putting dates in it and stuff. I also made some New Years Resolutions. I tried to be specific. I watched a movie but otherwise I am just sitting around doing nothing because I can't sleep and I figure Aaron could call anytime and I'd rather be awake than not awake. I might sleep after he calls, but I have to go to my dads tomorrow morning to help him with his comupter. I'll try to wake up at 9:30, but its already 4:30, so I wont get 6 hours. Thats okay though cause I can sleep tonight. Its hard to get your schedule back even though I went to bed a decent hour the other night, because my body is like "SLEEP DURING THE DAY" and i'm like "NO! Bad Body!" LOL! So, I have to MAKE myself get up in the mornings, even without much sleep, so I can reset it a couple times, so it gets in my system again. On a side note, I haven't been eating much. Its not cause I'm worried about weight or money or anything. I just haven't. I eat about once a day. I don't like to make food downstairs cause we don't have a microwave anymore (its at my dads) and because everyone else is down there and its awkward. I eat out or at work or at my dads, or whatever. I have basically just had dinner every night since Wednesday or so. I'm kinda hungry right now, but everyone is downstairs. I don't have anything I can eat that I don't have to cook. Anyways, I'll just eat at my dads. I think thats about it. :D Oh, MERRY XMAS!
At 1:03 PM, December 25, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
merry x-mas V! I'm glad you liked what i got you....i wasnt sure that you computer is haunted...the mouse keeps moving across the screen but i;m not touching it....creepy...i think my brothers house is haunted too cuase things keep getting moved when i leave the the other day i left my camera in this bad with all the scrap booking stuff but when i came back that afternoon it was out and laying on the end of the counter.... adn then the chanel on the TV will be changed....or my PJs will be moved...creepy i tell you...well love you adn happy holidays to you and your family and aaron:)
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