The Woes of Not Eating/Drinking/Sleeping
So, there really isn't anything new, but hey, why not blog and give all you fans somethign to read. LMAO! I crack myself up... I said fans.. isn't that funny? LOL! Anyways, So after Aaron called Xmas morning, I went to my dads and ate breakfast. Yummy. I haven't had one of my dads breakfast in a long time. I miss them. I should make it a recurring thing, like once a month. LOL! Anyways, I helped him fix his computer, well tried, but it was really weird and I'm not sure I was much help. He spent alot of the time helping a friend on the phone through a rought time with her husband, who was staying at his house. Eventually I was practically falling asleep since i hadn't slept that night. I went home and slept until my mom called at 9:30 PM. I answered the phone "Good Morning" and my mom is like, "Morning?" I really had no clue I had slept that late. I slept a little longer after she got off the phone, and then got up at midnight. I didn't do anything except play computer games and read. I know, its sad. I need to be packing. I need to be cleaning, I need to be doing Errands, but i'm sitting there playing computer games and reading. I'm so lazy. Anyways, I stayed up until Aaron called, and thought about staying awake, but decided it would be best to get some sleep. I started some laundry before I went to sleep, and tried to sleep for an hour, but my body was SO TIRED, but my mind was RACING. I could not get it to stop. I had an immense headache and felt sick. This is probably due to the fact that I eat about one meal a day, drink about a glass of something (juice, soda, etc) a day, and trying to reset my schedule so I try to stay up for more than 24 hours and never seem to make it. :P Anyways, I turned of the lights and finally fell asleep. I slept until about 4, when I got up, switched the laundry and left for work. Today was my first day on swing shift. It was okay, although kinda busy, and at times, not. They need to learn to stop sending people home early, because every time they do, we get slammed. Its silly. I didn't make much more than I usually do for graves, but that might be because it got so busy and I was ignoring customers trying to help others. Sometimes that gets you a bigger tip though cause the people see how much you are trying and they feel bad. LOL! Anyways, now i'm off work. I had a nice talk with Aleena standing in the bathroom after I brushed my teeth, and I went to the store and bought water and powerades, so I can start drinking and get re-hydrated. (is that a word?) Thats about it. Tomorrow, Aleena, Me, Her mom and dad are going to go to the landlord to see what we are going to do. I'll let you know how that goes. Aleenas mom is worried that we are going to end up in jail, so if I don't blog in the next 2 weeks, thats probably what happened. LOL!
At 4:47 PM, December 27, 2005,
Rachel_Bachert said…
how could you end up in jail? by breaking the lease? you cant go to jail for that..if anyone could go to jail it felisia because she was doing illegal activity....hope all is going well, i'm in town for a little got boring at my brothers so i came in to town to see if micheal wanted to catch a movie but he had plans....i was shocked! i must be rubbing off on well i think that i will head back out to my hermit you
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