Welcome to the Family
So, i figured I should post because I have two new additions to the family here at my house. I have not one, but two cats. They are a birthday gift from my dad. He bought them and most of their supplies. I would love to post the picture from my phone onto my blog that I have of both of them, but my bluetooth isn't working and I can't seem to figure out how to get Aaron's cord to work either. I'll describe them for you. One looks just like my older cat marie. She is black with white paws and some other white spots on her. The second is a tortise shell cat (where they have tons of different colors all over) but she is not the darker kind that you usually see (black and brown), but more of a gray/tan. She has alot of shades of gray and shades of tan.
Anyways, Aaron is still deciding on a name for the black and white one. It came to us as "cookie" but Aaron REALLY wanted to name one, and he likes her better because she is more outgoing. So far he's come up with a few different names, but I like Snowpaws best. The other cat came to us as "toni" (which they pronoucned tawney, which was they picked because there was a girl and a boy and they wanted their names to be similar.) I wasn't too fond of that one, so I'm naming her lynn. Any guesses why? Lynn is a little more shy. She runs when I try to pick her up (she has only lived her for less than 24 hours though). Once I do pick her up, if I put her on her tummy she'll stay with me for quite sometime. She is getting braver and braver, but she's still pretty shy. Aaron loves the other one because she'll play with him and come to him when he's sitting or laying down.
So, for a current poll. I'm trying to decide if I want to declaw them or not. I wasn't going to because the girl who sold them to me said that they will scratch a scratching post and not everything else. Then I had my run in the corner of my room and last night when I was going to sleep, one of them started scratching it. This is my $150 rug that my ex boyfriend got me. Its gorgeous and expensive so I don't take kindly to it being torn up. I moved it to my closet and one of them started to scratch it again. I now have it above my cabinets in hte kitchen. I was going to declaw them asap. I called the vet that Aaron's friend's ex girlfriend works and they gave me an estimate of $300 just for the declawing. I cannot afford that x2, plust they still need lukemia shots and one needs rabies shots and one needs their earmites gotten rid of. The lukemia and rabies isn't very expensive, but the declawing was. Aaron said that that place is REALLY expensive, but the rest of the places are closed, so I can't get any more quotes. I looked online and seemed to come up with about $200, which I also cannot afford x2. I also looked online and read about how people say its inhumane. I haven't decided on that yet. I want opinions from my many readers (LOL) about whether or not I should declaw them.
So, for other news, not much else is happening. I am working about 9 or more hours a day every day, and then sundays at boston's for about 9. This weekend I worked saturday at Chaz in the parts department. I've been working in the parts department all week, and I'm tired of it. I kinda like it, but I miss my old job alot. They are training the new girl for the wasilla store. She's not really all that good, in my opinion, but if she works out then good for them! Either way, while they are training her, I have no desk. :( So i'm doing manual labor in the parts department, on my feet all day and moving around big boxes, but having to do it carefully because we don't want to damage the parts. :P
So, last night I went to Aaron's Employee Appreciation Party. He got home and said, "are we going to this thing" and I said I needed to take a shower first and look nice. Well, he said that he wouldn't wait for that and if I wanted to go, I would have to leave right then, and he would go without me if I wasn't going to go. So I got up and threw up my hair and changed to a nice shirt. I got there and about %75 of the people were dressed up in dresses and with hair all done up. Some guys were wearing suits, but alot were wearing nice button up shirts with ties. Aaron even has a nice button up shirt with a tie he could have worn. We picked it out for him for xmas. I felt so crappy because all the girls at my table looked really nice, but I looked like crap. At least one of the guys was wearing a sweater. The others were wearing button up shirts at least. One was wearing a suit. I was kinda embarresed that I hadn't dressed up. This was also their first impression of me. :( Oh well, can't change it now. I really appreciate aaron taking me though. :D It was fun. My employee party will suck because his co-workers are funny and alot of fun, and mine are okay, but not all that much fun. :(
Anyways, today I need to do some laundry and go get nametags for the cats. They also need collars. So, I will take lots of pictures and then post them. My other thing I had wanted, besides cats, for my birthday, was a digital camera. I wish I had that even more now. I guess my phone iwll have to do for now. I'll try to keep posting!
Anyways, Aaron is still deciding on a name for the black and white one. It came to us as "cookie" but Aaron REALLY wanted to name one, and he likes her better because she is more outgoing. So far he's come up with a few different names, but I like Snowpaws best. The other cat came to us as "toni" (which they pronoucned tawney, which was they picked because there was a girl and a boy and they wanted their names to be similar.) I wasn't too fond of that one, so I'm naming her lynn. Any guesses why? Lynn is a little more shy. She runs when I try to pick her up (she has only lived her for less than 24 hours though). Once I do pick her up, if I put her on her tummy she'll stay with me for quite sometime. She is getting braver and braver, but she's still pretty shy. Aaron loves the other one because she'll play with him and come to him when he's sitting or laying down.
So, for a current poll. I'm trying to decide if I want to declaw them or not. I wasn't going to because the girl who sold them to me said that they will scratch a scratching post and not everything else. Then I had my run in the corner of my room and last night when I was going to sleep, one of them started scratching it. This is my $150 rug that my ex boyfriend got me. Its gorgeous and expensive so I don't take kindly to it being torn up. I moved it to my closet and one of them started to scratch it again. I now have it above my cabinets in hte kitchen. I was going to declaw them asap. I called the vet that Aaron's friend's ex girlfriend works and they gave me an estimate of $300 just for the declawing. I cannot afford that x2, plust they still need lukemia shots and one needs rabies shots and one needs their earmites gotten rid of. The lukemia and rabies isn't very expensive, but the declawing was. Aaron said that that place is REALLY expensive, but the rest of the places are closed, so I can't get any more quotes. I looked online and seemed to come up with about $200, which I also cannot afford x2. I also looked online and read about how people say its inhumane. I haven't decided on that yet. I want opinions from my many readers (LOL) about whether or not I should declaw them.
So, for other news, not much else is happening. I am working about 9 or more hours a day every day, and then sundays at boston's for about 9. This weekend I worked saturday at Chaz in the parts department. I've been working in the parts department all week, and I'm tired of it. I kinda like it, but I miss my old job alot. They are training the new girl for the wasilla store. She's not really all that good, in my opinion, but if she works out then good for them! Either way, while they are training her, I have no desk. :( So i'm doing manual labor in the parts department, on my feet all day and moving around big boxes, but having to do it carefully because we don't want to damage the parts. :P
So, last night I went to Aaron's Employee Appreciation Party. He got home and said, "are we going to this thing" and I said I needed to take a shower first and look nice. Well, he said that he wouldn't wait for that and if I wanted to go, I would have to leave right then, and he would go without me if I wasn't going to go. So I got up and threw up my hair and changed to a nice shirt. I got there and about %75 of the people were dressed up in dresses and with hair all done up. Some guys were wearing suits, but alot were wearing nice button up shirts with ties. Aaron even has a nice button up shirt with a tie he could have worn. We picked it out for him for xmas. I felt so crappy because all the girls at my table looked really nice, but I looked like crap. At least one of the guys was wearing a sweater. The others were wearing button up shirts at least. One was wearing a suit. I was kinda embarresed that I hadn't dressed up. This was also their first impression of me. :( Oh well, can't change it now. I really appreciate aaron taking me though. :D It was fun. My employee party will suck because his co-workers are funny and alot of fun, and mine are okay, but not all that much fun. :(
Anyways, today I need to do some laundry and go get nametags for the cats. They also need collars. So, I will take lots of pictures and then post them. My other thing I had wanted, besides cats, for my birthday, was a digital camera. I wish I had that even more now. I guess my phone iwll have to do for now. I'll try to keep posting!
At 6:56 PM, January 28, 2007,
Rachel_Bachert said…
I would say no to the declawing...mainly cause there are dogs in the building and if the cats got out for some reason and ran into one they need to be able to protect themselves..plus if you and arron come back to FBKS whose to say where you will be living and what if the cats get outside here and run into a dog...
plus its really gross how they declaw cats (and 300$ is outragous for what they do) and the cats cant use regular cat litter while they are healing, they need shreaded paper which means it smells way more and you have to change it everytime they go
i would try getting them a good scratching post(like a cat tree), and a scratch pad with cap nip in it, thats how i got spooks to not scratch the furniture... Ashley also uses a pray bottle and every time her cat scratches somthing he gets sprayed...
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