Why oh Why can't I get over you?
Okay, so I know that I said i'd update more often, and I really was planning too, but its been so crazy, I haven't really sat down at my computer for a while. So I got back from anchorage, and have been really busy with school and been really tired alot and working, etc. So, since this weekend was springfest, it was CRAZY. Thursday night, because friday was case day, was huge. I went with a friend of mine to Lathrop Hall and we hung out there for a while, I met some people, had some fun. There was also a bar-b-q on thursday where the girls from the music video did a dance live, (a dance off). Friday, I had to get up at noon, after going to bed at 5. My friend and I went to mud volleyball, which is awesome. I think i'm going to do that next year. I got to watch this guy I 'liked, but thought I was over' play, and turns out, i'm not over him. LOL! Then, karrina and I went tanning, which always rocks. :D that night there was a dance, so after junior youth group I went to the dance, and that was fun. Since it was case day, everyone was drunk. Then, after that, I was supposed to go hang out down on lower campus again, but it got all confusing, so I went to village inn, hung out for a bit, then went to bed, again at 5. Got up saturday at noon agian to go to a movie. I saw amityville horror. Well, I didn't "see" amityville horror, I heard it, becasue I covored my eyes. Hung out with Zak for a while, then went to dinner at my uncles (love my cousins), went back to the dorms, and then me and my roommate were thinking of going to a party out on CHS rd. Its 45 minutes out there and 45 mintues back, and it turns out the party wasn't happening, so we wasted a lot of time. At least I paid for the gas. Got to bed at 5 am agian. Finally got to sleep in sunday, which was awesome. I got up at 3 and spent the whole afternoon cleaning my room. Finally went downstairs to get some food, ended up watching the "animation domination" on fox, then did some homework, hung out, played some pool, and wasn't tired, so I watched a movie... still wasn't tired, so I went downstairs. By that time it was 4:30, and i had to be up by 8. I knew I wouldn't get enough sleep, so i stayed awake. now its today (monday) and i haven't slept in 24 hours now. I would be tired except today has been interesting. Since I had all this time, I got all dressed up in my summer dress. its really a cute dress. I curled my hair, put on jewlrey and everything. This person that I "thought I was over but I am not over" was checking my out, and told me he liked my dress and talked to me quite a bit in class. That has made my dad. I've been so excited all day now. :P So, thats the update for now. Hopefully i can stay awake the next 2 hours, then some more for homework. :D
At 1:16 PM, May 04, 2005,
Erynn said…
You are a busy, busy girl! My day consists of going to work, and sleeping... mostly. :P Sounds like you had fun. Love and miss you!
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