Roommate troubles
So, I guess I'll use this to vent about my roommate situation. So, I have two roommates. My best friend since 10th grade, whom I love with all my heart, and her sister. Aleena and I don't always agree. I don't want to pretend like EVERYTHINGS perfect with her, but when we do disagree, we either get over it (if it was a silly disagreement) or we talk about it, and then solve the problem. No problems there. My other roommate is a different story. For the first two months, she couldn't afford to pay the full third, which I understand, so Aleena and I picked up the slack by paying a bit more each. I had NO problem with that. When we were just looking at apartments, she called the biggest bedroom, Aleena the second. Again, I had no problems because I was coming from a dorm room about the size of my room now, but I shared it with another person and had to keep EVERYTHING I own in it. She saw the garage and said "this is going to by my party room." I was confused why we wouldn't use the garage as it was intended, and why she couldn't use the ENTIRE house as a "party room" because thats okay with Aleena and I. She has a cat, as does my best friend. Aleena's cat is declawed and neutered. Her cat is not. When we moved in she said she was going to get the cat declawed. I offered to take her cat to get it done when I had money, because I was tired of him tearing things up. She said no, she hadn't decided that she was going to declaw him yet. She refuses to neuter him because she wants to "breed him." This cat is a cat from hell. Anyone who sleeps here, besides her because she kicks him out of her room if he starts making noise, hates him. He wails at 3 o clock or so every morning, for several hours. We are only allowed two pets, under 30 lbs. We have 2 pets under 30 lbs. She constantly tells me she's going to bring home a puppy, like a large dog. I mentioned that we cannot have pets that large, nor can we have more. She says "they won't find out." This is all leaving out the illegal activities that go on in her room, or the rest of the house. After all this, she got mad at me last night because I didn't empty the trash 1)because we had no trash bags and 2) because I never use the trash and 3) because to me, trash isn't a big deal when theres cat shit stuck to the carpet in the closet. She gets mad at me because the entire house is messy, although its everyones, not just mine. She wants to apparently have a nice clean house so when people come over, but I guess they just won't mind the smell of cat shit. Anyways... i'm really stressed about it. My boyfriend is upset because after all this, her talking trash about me in the kitchen, while i'm in the living room and can hear her, her bf calls me and asks me to take them both to school tomorrow. This is because her car doesn't work because she spends her money on weed and alcohal. I'm not sure what to do because if I talk to my best friend about it, she gets defensive because it is her little sister. I can't talk to her about it because she just gets mad at me, and makes it sound like i'm trying to be controlling (maybe I am, but I don't think so). I really don't know what to do. I will probably just have to talk to Aleena about it, and she'll just get mad at me, and I'll have to deal with that.
On a side note, I got the internet hooked up at my house. FINALLY. Except, even though the wireless is hooked up, it doesn't work as wireless. I ahve to be plugged into it. I can't seem to figure it out. Luckily my bf is a bit of a computer nerd (but not too much), so he can come fix it later. Oh well, i'm off to finish the job hunt. I have to print resume's, fill out applications, turn in applications, and then hopefully it will be time for aaron to be off work. TGIF, even though I have no plans for the day and I'm broke.
On a side note, I got the internet hooked up at my house. FINALLY. Except, even though the wireless is hooked up, it doesn't work as wireless. I ahve to be plugged into it. I can't seem to figure it out. Luckily my bf is a bit of a computer nerd (but not too much), so he can come fix it later. Oh well, i'm off to finish the job hunt. I have to print resume's, fill out applications, turn in applications, and then hopefully it will be time for aaron to be off work. TGIF, even though I have no plans for the day and I'm broke.
At 10:14 AM, October 19, 2005,
Anonymous said…
declawing cats removes their first two toe joints, the equivalent of cutting your fingers off to the third knuckle. This makes cats defensive, bad tempered and shy.
At 12:05 PM, October 19, 2005,
Evelyna said…
our other cat is declawed and many many many other cats I've known (including all MY cats) have been declawed, and none of them are defensive, bad tempered or shy. From my understanding, from talking to vet's and such, declawing a cat is not painful for them.
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